Why could I not just be happy with the status quo?
It would have been much easier to do the same as everyone else: Traditional Project Management for Hardware, and Scrum for software. But at MEQIFY, we don’t want to do things like everyone else. We are innovative when it comes to helping our customers, each other, and to developing MEQIFY itself.
I was working on a large Bluetooth project with both electronics, radio, and software when I first started to wonder if there was a way to reduce my colleagues’ stress before a big software release, and the inevitable pressure of “only two weeks left”. I had an idea and started to look for information about applying Scrum to hardware development. The problem was it 2012 and my search returned zero (!) hits.
I decided to give it a go and to see if applying Scrum to hardware development could help me and my colleagues. I figured if I failed it was probably time to give up working in technology development anyway. Whether the fact that I am still working in Agile hardware development ten years later was coincidence, luck, or down to a moment of clarity I don’t know. All I do know is that today, searching for the phrase ‘Scrum for hardware’ returns 7.000.000 hits.
This was originally posted by MEQIFY employee Stefan Magnusson on LinkedIn